Newark CPA Firm | Newark Accounting Firm | Rea CPA-安全的赌博软件

Let Us Better Serve You In Newark, OH

为了更好地服务于不断增长的商业社区在舔县和周边地区,Rea的团队 & Associates opened an office in Newark, Ohio. 虽然这个特殊的地点从2020年初才开始运营, Rea is no stranger to this warm and welcoming community. For many years, 舔县的中小型组织已经转向提供全方位服务的注册会计师和商业咨询公司,我们的团队提供丰富的服务, vast experience, 以及由我们提供全方位服务的注册会计师和商业咨询公司提供的专业知识. Schedule a time to meet with a member of our team 今天学习我们如何帮助您推动组织的增长和可持续发展.
Location Details
15 North 3rd St, 3rd Floor
Newark, Ohio 43055



We’re here to help with any of your business needs, 我们致力于为客户提供卓越的服务,这是我们所做的一切.


No matter what services you need, you can rely on us to help you, 我们的Rea团队成员经常直接与企业主及其经理合作, overcoming challenges, identifying opportunities, and promoting growth.




We’re here to help with any of your business needs, 我们致力于为客户提供卓越的服务,这是我们所做的一切.


No matter what services you need, you can rely on us to help you, 我们的Rea团队成员经常直接与企业主及其经理合作, overcoming challenges, identifying opportunities, and promoting growth.

More Than Just Tax & Accounting Experts

Rea & 联合会计师事务所不仅仅是一家传统的注册会计师事务所. 我们的专家可以帮助您解决业务中许多领域的问题. 当然,我们可以通过提供簿记和会计服务来支持您的后台业务. We can even administer the retirement plans of your business. 我们可以帮助保护您的业务免受合规问题和在线不良行为者的侵害, 以及监管机构,同时提供继任规划和财务规划服务.

我们的会计专业团队是后台支持方面的专家. We offer numerous accounting services, including payroll management, QuickBooks consultations, and financial statement preparation and evaluation. 我们提供的会计服务可以改变您看待和评估公司财务状况的方式. Ready to join the Rea family? Find out more about our accounting services.
当你与专家管理服务建立一个定制的退休计划, you help position your business to grow, while also improving employee retention, 并在潜在求职者眼中脱颖而出,成为顶级雇主. Rea & 联信的退休计划服务团队被广泛认为是业内最顶尖的团队之一. 我们对客户满意度的奉献为我们赢得了美国养老金专业人士协会的会员资格 & 精算师卓越受托人中心(CEFEX ASPPA)卓越服务提供者认证. 我们可以提供ERISA和其他计划的专业方案设计和监督, while helping you achieve fiduciary excellence. Learn more about our retirement services.
对于人力资源专业人士来说,最新的法律法规是一个棘手的问题, 尤其是当你的人力资源部人手有限的时候. Rea & 联合公司的人力资源专家可以与您一起设计一个战略和灵活的计划,这将不仅帮助您管理您的合规义务, 但要保护你的企业免受未来的法律影响. Your employees are your biggest asset. Rea & 联营公司的人力资源咨询团队可以帮助您实施支持员工的工具和程序, reduce risk, increase efficiency, and ensure compliance. Learn more about our HR services.
Rea & 联营公司的审计和鉴证团队会不断寻找您财务上的任何潜在问题,以确保您的安全. 从尽量减少罚款和处罚到确保财务透明度, and assisting in preventing fraud, the experts at Rea & 在所有的商业交易中,员工都致力于您的成长、安全和繁荣. Find out more about audit services.
在长期成功地建立公司之后,是时候开始新的冒险了. 总有一天你会离开,那么,你如何决定结束你的职业生涯呢? 下一步取决于许多因素,通常是个人因素. Are you planning to pass your company to the next generation? Or do you want to offer it for sale? Rea & 合伙人可以帮助企业主在出售的时候最大限度地利用他们的企业. Find out more about how we can help you.
Cyber-crime continues to grow, attacking local corporations, nonprofits, and government entities of all shapes and sizes. If left unchecked, 即使是一个小的网络攻击也有可能比点击电脑鼠标的时间更快地摧毁你的公司(和你的生活). 我们熟练的网络安全专家有能力为企业提供广泛的服务, such as policy formulation, management information mapping, SOC/NOC advisory services, vulnerability, and penetration testing and information discovery, CMMC guidance, and much more. Learn how we can help protect you.
The state and local tax team at Rea & 律师们随时准备帮助您的企业面对销售和使用税,以保护您免受不断变化的州和政府法规的影响. Our team of experts can help you, by providing a range of services, including allocation and apportionment reviews, sales and use tax compliance and reviews, credits and incentives services, nexus studies, voluntary disclosure services, and more. Learn more about the SALT team can help you.
纳税不应该是你在一年中只考虑一次的事情. 如果你从高层次的角度来考虑联邦税收系统, 您将能够做出更好的商业决策,实现您的遗产规划目标-您也将能够节省更多的钱! The tax specialists at Rea & 助理律师因其对细节的关注而继续受到重视, as well as their vast experience, technical expertise, and exceptional client service. Find out more about our federal tax team.
除了上面概述的服务和业务解决方案之外,Rea & Associates专门与非营利组织的公司合作, technology, manufacturing, government, construction as well as healthcare, veterinary and professional service sectors. We realize that every business is unique. 这就是为什么我们提供该领域的专业人士,他们是经过认证的专业协会成员. 我们决心与您的具体实体所面临的挑战保持同步,并将努力提供创新的解决方案,从而取得成果和可持续的成就.
Contact A Newark CPA Today

Rea & Associates的服务专家和行业专家团队帮助俄亥俄州的客户进行会计核算, auditing, tax, and business management challenges for decades. We would love to learn how we can help you. 点击下面的“安全的赌博软件”按钮,让我们开始对话吧. Reviews for Rea & Associates Want to know what our clients are saying? Click here 看看我们最近的评论,当你在那里的时候,留下你自己的!

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